Deadline Client Version Release (ac90e7082) FranticX Client Version Release (708beba6f) A command line query and control application for the Deadline render queue system © 2002-2023 Thinkbox Software Inc About Displays the about text AddAssetServerRoots Appends new asset server root directories to the list. Path... The directories to append. AddGroup Adds the group. Group Name The group name AddGroupMapping [ ] Add or Edit a Group Mapping. Region The name of the Cloud Region Group Name of the Group Image Image Name Machine Type Machine Type Cost Optional. Cost defaults=1 Pool Optional. Name of the Pool default=none AddGroupToSlave Adds a group to the Worker. Worker Name(s) The Worker name, or a list of Worker names separated by commas Group Name(s) The group name, or a list of group names separated by commas AddJobHistoryEntry Adds a Job History Entry for the Job. Job ID The job's ID History Entry The history entry to add. AddPool Adds the pool. Pool Name(s) The pool name, or a list of names separated by commas AddPoolToSlave Adds a pool to the Worker. Worker Name(s) The Worker name, or a list of Worker names separated by commas Pool Name(s) The pool name, or a list of pool names separated by commas AddRepositoryHistoryEntry Adds a Repository History Entry. History Entry The history entry to add. AddSlaveHistoryEntry Adds a Worker History Entry for the Worker. Worker Name The Worker name History Entry The history entry to add. AddSlavesToJobMachineLimitList Adds Workers to the job's listed Workers. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas Workers The Workers to add, separated by commas AddSlavesToLimitGroupList Adds Workers to the limit's listed Workers. Limit Name(s) The limit name, or a list of limit names separated by commas Workers The Workers to add, separated by commas AddUserToUserGroup Adds a user to the user group. User Name(s) The user name, or a list of user names separated by commas User Group Name(s) The user group name, or a list of user group names separated by commas AppendJobFrameRange Appends to the job's existing frame range. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas Frame List The additional frames to append ArchiveJob Archives the job. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas AWSPortalPrecacheJob Precaches the AWS Portal Assets of the jobs. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas Background Submits a job as a background process. notify This flag displays a notification window after the jobs have been submitted Job Files The list of job files ChangeAutoConfigurationPort Changes the port that the Auto Configuration feature uses. Port The new port number, between 1 and 65535 inclusive ChangeLicenseMode (Deprecated) Sets the Deadline License Mode. This command is deprecated due to Deadline being free now. License Mode Standard or UsageBased ChangeLicenseServer [] (Deprecated) Allows you to change the license server the Balancer and Workers connect to. This command is deprecated due to Deadline being free now. License Server Optional. (Deprecated) If not specified, a License Server dialog will be displayed ChangeListeningPort Changes the port that the Deadline Launcher listens on. Port The new port number, between 1 and 65535 inclusive ChangeRepository [] [ ] Allows you to change the Repository Connection Settings that Deadline uses by default. If no arguments are provided, the Change Repository dialog will be displayed. Connection Type Optional. Specifies the type of connection to use when connecting (either Direct or Proxy). If not specified, the type will be inferred from the connection string. Connection String When using Direct connection, this is the path to the root of the Repository. When using a Proxy connection, this is a string of format :. Client Certificate Optional. The path to a client certificate to use when connecting to a Proxy or Database over SSL/TLS. Certificate Password Optional. The password to the provided Client Certificate, if required. ChangeRepositorySkipValidation [] [ ] Allows you to change the Repository Connection Settings that Deadline uses by default and saves those setting without validating them. If no arguments are provided, the Change Repository dialog will be displayed. Connection Type Optional. Specifies the type of connection to use when connecting (either Direct or Proxy). If not specified, the type will be inferred from the connection string. Connection String When using Direct connection, this is the path to the root of the Repository. When using a Proxy connection, this is a string of format :. Client Certificate Optional. The path to a client certificate to use when connecting to a Proxy or Database over SSL/TLS. Certificate Password Optional. The password to the provided Client Certificate, if required. Only used for Direct connections. ChangeUser [] Changes the current Deadline user on this machine. User Name Optional. If not specified, a User Login dialog will be displayed CheckAdminPrivileges [] Checks if the current user has admin privileges. Verbose Optional. true/false. Default to false. CheckFilePermissions [ ] Checks the read/write permissions on the file. ReadOnly/WriteOnly Optional. Checks both if omitted. Quiet Optional. Print only SUCCESS or errors. Filename The file to check CheckPathMapping [] Performs path mapping on the given path. Uses the path mappings in the Repository Options. Path The path to map Force Separator Optional. All path separators in the replacement path will be replaced with this before the original path is mapped. CheckPathMappingForMultiplePaths [>] Performs path mapping on the given paths. Uses the path mappings in the Repository Options. Paths The path to map, or a list of paths to map each separated by a space forceSeparator: Optional. All path separators in the replacement path will be replaced with this before the original path is mapped. To set this please precede the separator with "forceSeparator:". CheckPathMappingInFile [] Performs path mapping on the contents of the given file. Uses the path mappings in the Repository Options. Input File The original file name Output File The new file name where the mapped contents will be stored Force Separator Optional. All path separators in the replacement path will be replaced with this before the original path is mapped. CheckPathMappingInFileAndReplaceSeparator [] Performs path mapping on the contents of the given file, and updates all path separators in any paths that are mapped. Uses the path mappings in the Repository Options. Input File The original file name Output File The new file name where the mapped contents will be stored Old Separator The path separator to replace New Separator The new path separator Force Separator Optional. All path separators in the replacement path will be replaced with this before the original path is mapped. CompleteJob Completes a job. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas CompleteJobTask Marks the specified task for the job as complete. Job ID The job ID Task ID The task ID CompleteJobTasks Completes the specified tasks for the job. Job ID The job ID Task IDs The comma separated list of task IDs ConfigureConnectionServer [<--ip > <--port > <--tls_port > <--tls_cert > <--tls_cacert > <--tls_auth > <--client-ssl-auth > <--local_only > <--log-api-calls > <--log-api-caches > <--tls-password-location > <--incognito > <--verbose > <--launch-rcs-at-startup > <--keep-rcs-running > <--all_users>] Convenience function that serves as a single point of entry to configure (and re-configure) settings relevant to the Deadline RCS.Parameters are not positional; they are all optional and should be specified in '--key ' form.If a key is specified and no value giving then the setting of that key will be skipped. --ip Optional. Specifies the interface on which the Deadline RCS listens for incoming external connections. --port Optional. Sets the Port on which the Deadline RCS listens for incoming HTTP connections. --tls_port Optional. Sets the Port on which the Deadline RCS listens for incoming TLS (HTTPS) connections. --tls_cert Optional. When set to a valid PKCS#12 file containing an x.509 certificate and key, the Deadline RCS will serve TLS (HTTPS) connections on the configured TLS Port. --tls_cacert Optional. When set to a valid x.509 certificate (either PKCS#12 or PEM format), it will be used as an additional trusted root to validate client certificates from incoming TLS connections. --tls_auth Optional. When set to True, all clients will be expected to present valid (and trusted) x.509 certificates when connecting over TLS (HTTPS). --client-ssl-auth Optional. Specifies whether a client cert is required for SSL authentication on the Deadline RCS or not. Defaults to Required. --local_only Optional. Specifies that the server should only accept connections coming from the local loopback interface ( 403 errors will be returned for requests coming from any other source. --log-api-calls Optional. Specifies whether to enable detailed logging of API requests. --log-api-caches Optional. Specifies whether to enable periodic logging of API caches. --tls-password-location Optional. Specifies the password environmental variable to use with the TLS cert, do not enter the actual password into the CLI, please insert the password into an environmental variable and enter the variable name here in the following format "env:variablename". If left blank, the TLS cert is assumed to not require a password. --incognito Optional. Specifies whether to prevent the RCS from saving its settings to the repository. --verbose Optional. Specifies whether to enable verbose logging. --launch-rcs-at-startup Optional. If set to True whether the Launcher start the RCS when it starts up. --keep-rcs-running Optional. If set to True the Launcher restart the RCS whenever it identifies it's not running. --all_users Optional. If this flag is present, the settings will be configured for all users. Otherwise, only the current user's settings will be affected. ConfigureDatabase Configures (or re-configures) a Deadline database. This will connect to Mongo DB using the provided information, and prints out server connection info that was used in a successful connection (might be slightly different from the input). If a position needs to be left empty please use '""' as a place holder for that position Host The host name or IP address of the database machine. Port The database port DB Name The name of the Deadline database. SSL True if SSL/TLS should be used when connecting to the Database server, False otherwise. Client Certificate The path to a client x.509 certificate to present when connecting using SSL/TLS. Ignored if SSL is False. Certificate Password The password to the client certificate provided. Ignored if SSL is False, or if no certificate was provided. If left empty and a password is required, you will be prompted to enter it. Authenticate True if Deadline needs to authenticate in order to interact with the Database, False otherwise. Username The username with which to authenticate. If empty, and both Authenticate and SSL are true, the client certificate will be used instead. Ignored if Authenticate is False. Password The password for the specified user. Ignored if Authenticate is False, or if no user name was provided. Passwords have four modes: 1) Empty - The password will be prompted from standard input 2) A value with the prefix 'pass:' - The portion after 'pass:' is the password. Note, this option is risky, since it will have your password exposed in the command line history 3) A value with the prefix 'env:' - The portion after 'env:' indicates the environment variable to pull the password from (e.g. env:MY_VARIABLE) 4) A value with the prefix 'file:' - The portion after 'file:' indicates the file path to pull the password from (e.g. file:FILE_PATH). The first line of file will be used as password Replica Set The name of the Replica set which the Database belongs to, if applicable. Split DB Whether or not to split Deadline data across multiple databases. These databases will be prefixed by . ConfigureDocumentDBDatabase Configures (or re-configures) a Deadline database. This will connect to DocumentDB using the provided information, and prints out server connection info that was used in a successful connection (might be slightly different from the input). If a position needs to be left empty please use '""' as a place holder for that position Host The host name or IP address of the database machine. Port The database port. DB Name The name of the Deadline database. Username The username with which to authenticate. Password The password for the specified user. Passwords have four modes: 1) Empty - The password will be prompted from standard input 2) A value with the prefix 'pass:' - The portion after 'pass:' is the password. Note, this option is risky, since it will have your password exposed in the command line history 3) A value with the prefix 'env:' - The portion after 'env:' indicates the environment variable to pull the password from (e.g. env:MY_VARIABLE) 4) A value with the prefix 'file:' - The portion after 'file:' indicates the file path to pull the password from (e.g. file:FILE_PATH). The first line of file will be used as password Replica Set The name of the Replica set which the Database belongs to. Defaults to 'rs0' if empty. RDS CA certificate file Location of the RDS CA certificate file. ConfigureMongoDBDatabase Configures (or re-configures) a Deadline database. This will connect to Mongo DB using the provided information, and prints out server connection info that was used in a successful connection (might be slightly different from the input). If a position needs to be left empty please use '""' as a place holder for that position Host The host name or IP address of the database machine. Port The database port DB Name The name of the Deadline database. SSL True if SSL/TLS should be used when connecting to the Database server, False otherwise. Client Certificate The path to a client x.509 certificate to present when connecting using SSL/TLS. Ignored if SSL is False. Certificate Password The password to the client certificate provided. Ignored if SSL is False, or if no certificate was provided. If left empty and a password is required, you will be prompted to enter it. Authenticate True if Deadline needs to authenticate in order to interact with the Database, False otherwise. Username The username with which to authenticate. If empty, and both Authenticate and SSL are true, the client certificate will be used instead. Ignored if Authenticate is False. Password The password for the specified user. Ignored if Authenticate is False, or if no user name was provided. Passwords have four modes: 1) Empty - The password will be prompted from standard input 2) A value with the prefix 'pass:' - The portion after 'pass:' is the password. Note, this option is risky, since it will have your password exposed in the command line history 3) A value with the prefix 'env:' - The portion after 'env:' indicates the environment variable to pull the password from (e.g. env:MY_VARIABLE) 4) A value with the prefix 'file:' - The portion after 'file:' indicates the file path to pull the password from (e.g. file:FILE_PATH). The first line of file will be used as password Replica Set The name of the Replica set which the Database belongs to, if applicable. Split DB Whether or not to split Deadline data across multiple databases. These databases will be prefixed by . ConfigureWebservice [<--ip > <--port > <--tls_port > <--tls_cert > <--tls_cacert > <--tls_auth > <--client-ssl-auth > <--local_only > <--log-api-calls > <--log-api-caches > <--tls-password-location > <--all_users>] Convenience function that serves as a single point of entry to configure (and re-configure) settings relevant to the Deadline WebService.Parameters are not positional; they are all optional and should be specified in '--key ' form.If a key is specified and no value giving then the setting of that key will be skipped. --ip Optional. Specifies the interface on which the Deadline WebService listens for incoming external connections. --port Optional. Sets the Port on which the Deadline WebService listens for incoming HTTP connections. --tls_port Optional. Sets the Port on which the Deadline WebService listens for incoming TLS (HTTPS) connections. --tls_cert Optional. When set to a valid PKCS#12 file containing an x.509 certificate and key, the Deadline WebService will serve TLS (HTTPS) connections on the configured TLS Port. --tls_cacert Optional. When set to a valid x.509 certificate (either PKCS#12 or PEM format), it will be used as an additional trusted root to validate client certificates from incoming TLS connections. --tls_auth Optional. When set to True, all clients will be expected to present valid (and trusted) x.509 certificates when connecting over TLS (HTTPS). --client-ssl-auth Optional. Specifies whether a client cert is required for SSL authentication on the Deadline WebService or not. Defaults to Required. --local_only Optional. Specifies that the server should only accept connections coming from the local loopback interface ( 403 errors will be returned for requests coming from any other source. --log-api-calls Optional. Specifies whether to enable detailed logging of API requests. --log-api-caches Optional. Specifies whether to enable periodic logging of API caches. --tls-password-location Optional. Specifies the password environmental variable to use with the TLS cert, do not enter the actual password into the CLI, please insert the password into an environmental variable and enter the variable name here in the following format "env:variablename". If left blank, the TLS cert is assumed to not require a password. --all_users Optional. If this flag is present, the settings will be configured for all users. Otherwise, only the current user's settings will be affected. ConnectToBalancerLog [] Connect to Balancer to watch its log in real time. Press Enter at any time to disconnect from the Balancer. BalancerName The balancer to connect to ShowWindow Optional. If a log window should be displayed. Defaults to false. ConnectToLicenseForwarderLog [] Connect to License Forwarder to watch its log in real time. Press Enter at any time to disconnect from the License Forwarder. LicenseForwarderName The license forwarder to connect to ShowWindow Optional. If a log window should be displayed. Defaults to false. ConnectToPulseLog [] Connect to Pulse to watch its log in real time. Press Enter at any time to disconnect from the Worker. PulseName The pulse to connect to ShowWindow Optional. If a log window should be displayed. Defaults to false. ConnectToSlaveLog [] Connect to a remote Worker to watch its log in real time. Press Enter at any time to disconnect from the Worker. WorkerName The Worker to connect to ShowWindow Optional. If a log window should be displayed. Defaults to false. CreateCloudRegion Creates a new Cloud Region. Name The name of the Cloud Region Plugin Name The Cloud Plugin name Config File Path to Cloud Region config file CreateMongoDBUser Attempts to create a Deadline User in the given database. The user will be created with 'readWriteAnyDatabase' and 'clusterMonitor' roles. Connection String The connection string that specifies how to connect to the database (e.g. mongodb://:). Authentication Type The Type of authentication mechanism to use. Only X509 is currently supported. Username (or Certificate The client certificate (X509) in PKCS12 format. Password The password required to decrypt the client certificate (X509), if applicable. If left empty and a password is required, you will be prompted for it. CreateSpotFleet [<--no-resource-tracker>] Creates a spot fleet for a given infrastructure templateJSONFile Path to a Json file with Spot fleet configuration information in the format: {"StackName": "", "Capacity": 1, "InstanceTypes": [], "SpotPrice": 1, "AmiId": "", "AmiName": "", "KeyName": "", "AvailabilityZones": [], "AWSPortalRequestType": "", "IdleTime": 2, "Groups": [], "Pools": [], "InstanceTags": {}, "Context": "", } --no-resource-tracker Optional. Use of the Deadline Resource Tracker requires that your custom AMIs have Deadline Client 10.0.27 or later installed on them. If enabled, the Deadline Resource Tracker will help optimize your resources by terminating instances and Spot Fleet requests that don't appear to be behaving as expected. We recommend upgrading your AMIs and enabling the Deadline Resource Tracker.The Fleet id is written to console if the request succeeds. DeleteBalancer Deletes the Balancer. Balancer Name(s) The Balancer name, or a list of Balancer names separated by commas. DeleteGroup Deletes the group. Group Name The group name DeleteJob Deletes the job(s). Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas DeleteLimitGroup Deletes the limit. Limit Name(s) The limit name, or a list of names separated by commas DeletePool Deletes the pool. Pool Name The pool name DeleteProxyServer Deletes specified Proxy Server(s). Proxy Server Name(s) The Proxy Server name, or list of comma-separated names. DeletePulse Deletes the pulse. Pulse Name(s) The pulse name, or a list of pulse names separated by commas DeleteSlave Deletes the Worker. Worker Name(s) The Worker name, or a list of Worker names separated by commas DeleteUser Deletes the user. User Name(s) The user name, or a list of names separated by commas DeleteUserGroup Deletes the User Groups with the given user group name. User Group Name The user group name DoHouseCleaning [ ] Performs house cleaning operations. If any optional arguments are specified the preceding arguments become positional. Check Last Time Optional. If true, house cleaning will only be performed if the appropriate amount of time has passed since the last check (true/false). This is always True if a mode is specified. Default is true. Verbose Optional. If logging should be enabled (true/false). Default is true. Log Repo History Optional. If a history entry should be logged (true/false). This is ignored if a mode other than 'All' is specified. Default is false. Mode Optional. If not specified, all housecleaning operations will be performed. Default is 'All'. Available modes are: All, CleanupCompletedJobs, DeleteUnsubmittedJobs, PurgeDeletedJobs, CleanupObsoleteSlaves, PurgeOldSlaveReports, CleanupRepoValidations, PurgeOldStatistics, CleanupDatabase, PurgeObsoleteAWSPortalSlaves, PurgeDeregisteredWorkers, PurgeDeactivatedFleets DoPendingJobScan [ ] Scans for pending jobs to be released and pending job events to be processed. If any optional arguments are specified the preceding arguments become positional. Check Last Time Optional. If true, the pending job scan will only be performed if the appropriate amount of time has passed since the last check (true/false). Default is true. Verbose Optional. If logging should be enabled (true/false). Default is true. Log Repo History Optional. If a history entry should be logged (true/false). Default is false. Region Optional. The region to be used for path mapping. Default to current region. DoRepositoryRepair [ ] Performs repository repair operations. If any optional arguments are specified the preceding arguments become positional. Check Last Time Optional. If true, a repository repair will only be performed if the appropriate amount of time has passed since the last check (true/false). This is always True if a mode is specified. Default is true. Verbose Optional. If logging should be enabled (true/false). Default is true. Log Repo History Optional. If a history entry should be logged (true/false). This is ignored if a mode other than 'All' is specified. Default is false. Mode Optional. If not specified, all repair operations will be performed. Default is 'All'. Available modes are: All, FindOrphanedTasks, FindOrphanedLimitStubs, FindStalledSlaves, FindStalledPulses, FindStalledBalancers ExecuteScript Executes the script. Filename The path to a given script file ExecuteScriptNoGui Executes the script without importing any GUI elements. Filename The path to a given script file Exit Exit Deadline Interactive mode. Equivalent to Quit. ExportRepositorySettings Exports the repository settings to the specified output file. IncludeDefaults Specify this flag if the default values should be included. Settings Specify this setting to indicate which settings are to be exported. Available settings are: [Groups, Pools, Regions, Limits, PathMapping, PermissionGroups, Users, WorkerSettings] ExportFilePath This setting indicates where the export file for the settings should be saved. If this setting is not specified the export will be printed to the console. FailJob Fails a job. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas FailJobTask Fails the specified task for the job. Job ID The job ID Task ID The task ID FailJobTasks [] Fails the specified tasks for the job. Job ID The job ID Task IDs Optional. The comma separated list of task IDs. If no Task ID is specified all tasks are failed. FarmReports Allows you to view farm reports. If a report name is specified, that report will instead be automatically be exported to the given file. Report Name The name of an existing report Start Date The start date, in yyyy-MM-dd format End Date The end date, in yyyy-MM-dd format Export Mode CSV or TSV Export File Name The file to export to FileCheck [ ] Checks the read/write permissions on the file. ReadOnly/WriteOnly Optional. Checks both if omitted. Quiet Optional. Print only SUCCESS or errors. Filename The file to check GenerateRSAKeys [] Creates and saves RSA key-pairs for internal use by Deadline. Administrator/root privileges might be required to create machine-wide keys. UserSpecific Optional. If True, keys specific to the current OS user will be generated. Default is False. GenerateSubmissionInfoFiles Generates a Job Info file and a Plugin Info file that can be used to submit a new Job, based on an existing one. Job ID The ID of the Job on which to base the Submission Parameters. Job Info File The file to which the Job Submission Info will be output. Plugin Info File The file to which the Plugin Submission Info will be output. GetAssetServerInfo Gets the value of the specified Asset Server Info setting if it exists. Name The name of the Asset Server Info setting. GetAssetServerSetting Gets the value of the specified Asset Server setting if it exists. Name The name of the Asset Server setting. GetAWSPortalSetting Gets the value of the specified AWS Portal setting if it exists. Name The name of the AWS Portal setting. GetBalancerInfo Retrieves BalancerInfo for a specified Balancer. Balancer Name The name of the Balancer to retrieve BalancerInfo for. GetBalancerInfos [] Get BalancerInfo for all specified (by name) Balancers. Balancer Name(s) Optional. Comma-separated list of Balancer names to query. Leave blank to query all Balancers. GetBalancerNames Prints a list of all Balancer names. GetBalancerSettings Retrieves BalancerSettings for a specified Balancer. Balancer Name The name of the Balancer to retrieve BalancerSettings for. GetBalancerSettingsList [] Get BalancerInfo for all specified (by name) Balancers. Balancer Name(s) Optional. Comma-separated list of Balancer names to query. Leave blank to query all Balancers. GetBinDirectory Displays the bin directory of the Deadline Client software GetCloudPluginParams Show all the parameters for a given cloud plugin. Plugin Name The name of the cloud plugin GetCommonAppPath Prints out the path to the common application data folder. GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory Displays the current user home directory of the Deadline Client software GetCurrentUserName Display the current Deadline user GetDatabaseSettings Prints the given repository's connection.ini file contents to stdout. Repository The path to the repository root GetDeletedJob [] Display information for the deleted job(s). Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetDeletedJobIds Displays all the deleted job IDs GetDeletedJobs [] Displays information for all the deleted jobs. Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetDirectory [] Opens a folder browser and prints out the result. Initial Path Optional. The path to the initial directory. Default path is empty. ("") GetEventPluginNames Displays all event plugin names. GetFarmStatistics Displays quick summary information of jobs and Workers GetFarmStatisticsEx Displays quick summary information of jobs and Workers GetGroupNames Displays all groups. GetHomeDirectory Displays the home directory of the Deadline Client software GetIniFileSetting Returns the value for the given key from the deadline.ini configuration file. Key The key to get GetJob [] Display information for the job(s). Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetJobAuxiliaryPath Displays the Jobs Auxillary path Job ID The job ID GetJobDetails Displays the job details. Job ID(s) The job ID, or a list of job IDs separated by commas GetJobErrorReportFilenames Gets the error report filenames for the job. Job ID The job ID GetJobExtraInfoKeyValue Gets the value from the extra info dictionary. Job ID The job ID Extra Info Key The extra info key to get. GetJobIds Displays all the job IDs GetJobIdsFilter [<...>] Display job Ids for jobs that fulfill the specified filters. Filter 1 A filter, in the form of ... Optional. Additional filters... GetJobIdsFilterAnd [<...>] Display jobs that fulfill all the specified filters. Filter 1 A filter, in the form of ... Optional. Additional filters... GetJobLogReportFilenames Gets the log report filenames for the job. Job ID The job ID GetJobPluginInfoKeyValue Gets the value from the plugin info dictionary. Job ID The job ID Plugin Info Key The plugin info key to get. GetJobs [] Displays information for all the jobs. Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetJobSetting Gets the value of a setting for the job. Job ID The job ID Job Setting The job setting GetJobsFilter [<...>] Display jobs that fulfill the specified filters. Filter 1 A filter, in the form of ... Optional. Additional filters... GetJobsFilterAnd [<...>] Display jobs that fulfill all the specified filters. Filter 1 A filter, in the form of ... Optional. Additional filters... GetJobsFilterIni [<...>] Display jobs that fulfill the specified filters, in an ini format. Filter 1 A filter, in the form of ... Optional. Additional filters... GetJobsFilterIniAnd [<...>] Display jobs that fulfill all the specified filters, in an ini format. Filter 1 A filter, in the form of ... Optional. Additional filters... GetJobStatistics Displays quick summary information of jobs GetJobTask Display the specified task for the job. Job ID The job ID Task ID The task ID GetJobTaskAverageTime Display average task render time for the job. Job ID The job ID GetJobTaskAverageTimeNorm Display average task normalized render time for the job. Job ID The job ID GetJobTaskIds Display the task IDs for the job. Job ID The job ID GetJobTaskLimit Displays the task limit value for job. GetJobTasks [] Display the tasks for the job. Job ID The job ID Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetJobTaskTotalTime Display total task render time for the job. Job ID The job ID GetJobTaskTotalTimeNorm Display total task normalized render time for the job. Job ID The job ID GetLicenseMode (Deprecated) Gets the Deadline License Mode. This command is deprecated due to Deadline being free now. GetLicenseServer (Deprecated) Gets the Deadline License Server. This command is deprecated due to Deadline being free now. GetLimitGroup [] Displays information for the limit. Limit Name(s) The limit name, or a list of names separated by commas Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetLimitGroupNames Display all limit names. GetLimitGroups [] Displays information for all limits. Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetMachinesRenderingJob [ ] Display the machine names of the Workers that are rendering the job. If the second parameter is 'true', the machine IP addresses will be shown instead. If the third parameter is 'true', then duplicate machine names and IP addresses will be shown. Job ID The job ID Get IP Address Optional. true/false. Default is false. Get Duplicates Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetMajorVersion Gets the Deadline Major Version GetMaximumPriority Displays the maximum priority value for jobs. GetNetworkDrives Display all network drives GetPathMappings Returns a list of all path mappings that can will be applied in the current context. Uses the path mappings in the Repository Options. GetPluginLimitGroups Displays all limit group names assigned to a Plugin. Plugin Name The name of the Plugin to retrieve Limits for. GetPluginNames Displays all plugin names. GetPoolNames Displays all pool names. GetProcess [] Displays information for all running processes with the given name. Process Name Process name to search for Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetProcesses [] Displays information for all running processes. Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetProcessNames [] Displays all running process names. Process Name Optional. Process name to search for. GetProxyServerInfo Get ProxyServerInfo for a specified (by name) Proxy Server. Proxy Server Name Name of the Proxy Server to query. GetProxyServerInfos [] Get ProxyServerInfo for all specified (by name) Proxy Servers. Proxy Server Name(s) Optional. Comma-separated list of Proxy Server names to query. Leave blank to query all Proxy Servers. GetProxyServerNames Display all Proxy Server names. GetProxyServerSettings Get ProxyServerInfo for a specified (by name) Proxy Server. Proxy Server Name Name of the Proxy Server to query. GetProxyServerSettingsList [] Get ProxyServerSettings for all specified (by name) Proxy Servers. Proxy Server Name(s) Optional. Comma-separated list of Proxy Server names to query. Leave blank to query all Proxy Servers. GetPublicEncryptionKey [] Prints out the Public Key used for encryption of messages sent to this Deadline client, in XML format. This creates a key if one is not already present, and therefore might require administrator/root privileges when retrieving the machine-wide key. UserSpecific Optional. If True, key specific to the current OS user will be returned. Default is False. GetPublicSigningKey [] Prints out the Public Key used for verification of signatures by this Deadline client, in XML format. This creates a key if one is not already present, and therefore might require administrator/root privileges privileges when retrieving the machine-wide key. UserSpecific Optional. If True, key specific to the current OS user will be returned. Default is False. GetPulseInfo Gets the pulse information. Pulse Name The pulse name GetPulseInfos [] Gets the pulse information for the specified pulses or all pulses. Pulse Name(s) or none Optional. The pulse name, or a list of pulse names separated by commas, or none to retrieve all pulse info GetPulseNames Get pulse names. GetPulseSettings Gets the pulse settings for a specified pulse. Pulse Name The pulse name GetPulseSettingsList [] Gets the pulse settings for specified or all pulses. Pulse Name(s) or none Optional. The pulse name, or a list of pulse names separated by a comma, or none to retrieve all pulse settings GetRegistryKeyValue [] Returns the specified value for the specified registry key. Key Name The name of the registry key Value Name The name of the value to get Default Value Optional. The default value to return. Default is an empty value. ("") GetRepositoryFilePath [] Returns the appropriate full path to the given file in the Repository. FilePath The repository's file path to retrieve. Custom Optional. Whether or not to check the Custom folder first. Default is true. GetRepositoryOption Gets the value of the provided Repository Option if it exists and is exposed. Note that if Secrets Management is enabled, any setting that is a secret will need to be requested by a valid client. Repository Option The name of the Repository Option we want to get GetRepositoryOptions Displays the list of all exposed Repository Options. GetRepositoryOptionsWithValues Displays the list of all exposed Repository Options and their values. Note that if Secrets Management is enabled, any setting that is a secret will need to be requested by a valid client. GetRepositoryPath [] Returns the appropriate full path to the given subdirectory of the Repository. Subdir The repository's sub-directory to retrieve. Custom Optional. Whether or not to check the Custom folder first. Default is true. GetRepositoryRoot Display the repository network root GetRepositoryRoots Display all repository roots in the Deadline config file GetRepositoryVersion Gets the Deadline Repository and Integration Version GetSettingsDirectory Displays settings directory of the Deadline Client software GetSlave [] Display information for the Worker. Worker Name(s) The Worker name, or a list of Worker names separated by commas Use Ini Display Optional. true/false; value is applied to all workers listed. Default is false. GetSlaveErrorReportFilenames Gets the error report filenames for the Worker. Worker Name The Worker name GetSlaveExtraInfoKeyValue Gets the value from the extra info dictionary. Worker Name The name of the Worker Extra Info Key The extra info key to get. GetSlaveInfo Gets the info value for the Worker. Worker Name The Worker name Worker Info Name The name of the info GetSlaveLogReportFilenames Gets the log report filenames for the Worker. Worker Name The Worker name GetSlaveNames Displays all the Worker names. GetSlaveNamesInGroup Displays the Worker names that have been assigned to the specified group. Group Name(s) The group name, or a list of group names separated by commas GetSlaveNamesInPool Displays the Worker names that have been assigned to the specified pool. Pool Name(s) The pool name, or a list of pool names separated by commas GetSlaveReportFilenames Gets the report filenames for the Worker. Worker Name The Worker name GetSlaves [] Displays information for all the Worker names. Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetSlaveSetting Gets the value of a setting for the Worker. Worker Name The Worker name Worker Setting The Worker setting GetSlavesRenderingJob Display the Workers that are rendering the job. Job ID The job ID GetSlaveStatistics Displays quick summary information of Workers GetSubmissionInfo Displays common submission information that can be used by job submission scripts. Type(s) A list of specific submission information. Each type should be separated by a space. The available types are: version, shortversion, pools, groups, maxpriority, tasklimit, homedir, userhomedir, repodir:[folder], repodirnocustom:[folder], filetransferserver. Note that repodir and repodirnocustom can be specified multiple times, and each one should be followed by a colon and a repository folder. GetTaskProgress Display progress information about the job's tasks. Job ID The job ID GetUser [] Displays information for the user. User Name(s) The user name, or a list of names separated by commas Use Ini Display Optional. true/false; value is applied to all users listed. Default is false. GetUserGroup Displays all User names in User Group. User Group Name The user group name GetUserGroupNames Display all the user group names. GetUserGroupsForUser Display all the user group names for the user. User Name The user name GetUserNames Display all the user names. GetUsers [] Displays information for all users. Use Ini Display Optional. true/false. Default is false. GetVersion Gets the Deadline Version Groups Displays all groups. Help [] Displays the help documentation. If no command specified Help will print the documentation for all commands. Command Name Optional. The name of a specific command. ImportJob Imports the archived job. Delete Archive If the original archive should be deleted (true/false). Archived Job File(s) The archived job file. Specify multiple files as space separated list. ImportRepositorySettings Imports the repository settings from the specified import file. ExcludeWorkers Specify this flag if the values specifying workers should be excluded during the import. ImportFilePath This setting indicates where the import file for the settings is stored ImportOperation This setting indicates what operation to use when importing. Available operations are: [Replace, Append, ReplaceDryRun, AppendDryRun] ConnectionType The type of connection to make to the repository. Valid values include: [Unknown, Direct, Repository, Remote, Proxy] ConnectionString The connection string to use to connect to the repository. InitApplicationPlugins Initializes the specified application plugins. This will set their state to disabled if they do not already exist in the database. Plugin(s) A list of one or more application plugins to initialize. This will not disable plugins that already have a valid setting for state. Seperate multiple plugins by a comma. IsSecretsManagementEnabled Prints True or False if the connected repository has enabled the Secrets Management feature. JobStatistics Shows statistics for jobs that have completed between the specified dates, inclusive. Start Date The start date in the form yyyy-MM (ie: 2010-01) End Date The end date in the form yyyy-MM (ie: 2010-12) Pool Filter A comma separate list of pools (or an empty string, '""', for no filter) Group Filter A comma separate list of groups (or an empty string, '""', for no filter) Plugin Filter A comma separate list of plugins (or an empty string, '""', for no filter) JobSubmissionInfoFromJob Generates a list of Job Submission Parameters that can be used to submit a similar Job to the one provided. Job ID The ID of the Job on which to base the Job Submission Parameters. Json [] Turn on output as Json. Then run the next command if given. In interactive mode Json affects output until disabled or interactive mode is exited. Follow up command Optional. Command to run after enabling Json output. Use to get more information about specific command you wish to run. KillProcess Kills all processes with specified name or PID. Process Name Or ID Name of the process or process ID LaunchPreviewStyleWindow